Friday, July 2, 2010

More pics and a brief update...

Well, time for another update...I'm mostly just trying to post pics tonight, but I would like to let you know a few things that have been happening around here. First, an update on the baby. Sadly, it did not make it. We were finally able to bring it home, and April worked very hard to do all that could be done, but it was just too late for the late guy. So Heaven just got a sweet little Haitian baby to care for...thank you to those that were praying. Continue to pray for April and the Hess family as they face this sort of thing in their ministry.

Another little tidbit is that we have a new houseguest. His name is Dr. Kaufman. Apparently around here he's known as the miracle doctor, because ppl were praying fervently that a doctor would come after the earthquake, April was one of those ppl. She had so many serious medical needs here and only so much she herself could do (although from everything I've heard she did a wonderful job throughout that whole time and really came through for a lot of ppl). Meanwhile, Dr. Kaufman had felt like he should do something to help, so two days after the earthquake happened he flew into the Dominican and got a ride to the border. There, by chance some might say (by God's grace they all say), he met up w/Grant. Now Grant is a fellow missionary and he lives basically across the street from the clinic. So Dr. Kaufman asked if he could hitch a ride into Port Au Prince w/Grant. At some point during this ride, Grant told the doctor that he knew someone who could really use him. Seeing that the doctor had no further plans than to get to Port Au Prince and start helping as he could, he jumped at the offer. So Grant was able to take him directly to the clinic. April says she was just starting to try to close up an abdominal wound on a 4 yr. old that they'd been cold packing since he got there. He was so badly in need, and she wasn't completely sure if she could help him, so they'd been praying for a doctor for him specifically. They realized the couldn't wait any longer, so she was just started the process when the good doctor was brought right to her door step. God is so good isn't He? His timing is always so perfect. Anyway, Dr. Kaufman is now back to stay for 3 wks as a trial period. He's considering becoming a permant fixture in these parts if I understood correctly. What a blessing that would be!

Another wonderful thing happened here on Sunday. A man that April's been trying to get to go to church for the past three yrs. finally went this past Sunday. He had a stroke about a yr. ago and has been tender ever since. April checks in on him and helps make sure he's excercising like he should, but his mobility it fairly limited. Well, this Sunday we were blessed w/his decision and April and Joel were able to help him get to church. Afterward he committed his life to Christ. This is a man that was into voodoo at one point, along w/who knows what else. He's lived a rough life, but he's a very happy new Christian.

Lastly, this week we received a box. Not just any, this was a box from the states, one from Kayla and Harold (the TLC team leaders). When we opened the box it felt like Christmas! There were so many goodies inside, it was so hard not to just giggle like a child and feel giddy. They sent us Hershy's chocolate, double stuff oreos and AMERICAN MILK! (...Haitian powdered milk is just NOT the same. Especially since you can't keep the ants out for anything, so you just learn to pick out the worst of them and drink/eat the rest.) Strawberries, steaks, powdered sugar, and my two personal favorites, popcicles and Dr. Pepper! I requested the Dr. Pepper if it were possible, but the popcicles were such a pleasant surprise I almost cried *tears of joy of course*. (If you knew how much I love these things and how much I miss the states right now...!) Anyway, there were many other goodies in there, but needless to say we were all so excited it was hilarous. April was so childlike while opening it. Her enthusiasm was wonderful! We didn't know what to eat first. The Haitians don't have strawberries, so we started w/those and shared w/several of the workers that live on the compound. Jeemps LOVED them, it was so funny...he couldn't get enough. April wanted him to know what fondue tasted like, so she melted one of the chocolate bars and we ate it like that too! We had so much fun w/that box. I can't wait to try the steaks later, and I'm saving my first popcicle wrapper to go in my memory book from this trip. =D 

Well, I guess that's about it for now, I'm going to try to explain a bit about the pics this time, but nothing too detailed.
This is a pic of the TLC team and myself at an orphanage.
This is the 3 pd baby that died.
These are the staff at the clinic. The lady in the middle just got her visa to move to the states and join her husband so they were having a going away party.
This is one of the cakes I made for the party. I mostly posted this pic for my sister, Letha...she was wanting to see it.

This is April and Joel's youngest. His name is Michael. They adopted him shortly after taking him into their home to take care of him. His mother went blind and couldn't care for a baby. (FYI: he was wearing his sister's, he doesn't normally dress like a girl.)

This is April and Joel's oldest, Emma. She's a fiesty little booger! =D

This little girl is one of the pastor's daughter's I believe. She came and sat on my lap for a bit in church. I love how they put long ribbons in the little girls hair here. It's cute.

This is Joel with the man that gave his life to Christ.

This little boy lives not far from our compound and he's kind of stolen my heart. I can't say much to him, but he always smiles at me when I'm out and about and he sometimes tries to follow me a little ways.

This is Dodo...he's a little stinker and I think he's the younger brother to the boy above.

Another neighborhood child...

This little guy made my heart hurt...he was playing w/his toy car which is basically a plastic bottle w/a string and wheels. What really got to me though was seeing his little tummy stick out so far and seeing his ribs so visibly.

Here he is again w/his friend. They were excited about letting me take their picture.

The missions sign...

This is for my family...I was telling them about buying simply drive along until you see them on the street and then you barter for them.

Ok, this is something you see everywhere in Haiti. They put up walls around their property b/f they even build houses here, and at the top of those walls the put barbwire, or more often glass. Broken bottles seems to be the most consistently used. They're very serious about keeping ppl off their property...

A little roadside fruit anyone? Mmm! That was sure some good pineapple!

Thanks for all your comments by the way! I don't always have time or internet access to respond, but I really do enjoy getting them!


Issa said...

cool pics, finally got time to read the post itself. Sounds liek your adjusting. Don't get to comfortablem, you belong stateside my dear.

Alanna said...

Hey hon! Enjoyed the pics - can't wait till you get back and then I get back and then we can get together and swap stories. :) Love ya!