Saturday, June 26, 2010

A little catching up...

Sorry my blogging has been so sparce. The internet tends to be so slow it wear's out my patience. I've been emailing my family faithfully each night, but most of the time that's about all the patience I seem to muster. To reward you all for waiting oh so kindly, I have pictures! They're kind of random though, since I haven't been able to post any yet it's just a mix a various places I've been and things I've done so far. I miss everyone terribly, and I very much miss my dear Cincy, but I am adjusting and doing alright.

Yesterday was interesting in the fact that I was sick. Thankfully it was the first time since I've been here, but it seems that something was/is going around. Emma, April and Joel's oldest at 3 yrs. old I believe, was sick along with me, so we kind of kept each other company. We both crashed on her parents bed since the downstairs is being worked on.
They're having all the electric put into the walls, instead of it being run outside of them. This is a much bigger undertaking than it sounds. It requires men chipping away the cement behind each section of electric, putting it in, chipping away all the old "floating" on the walls, and then sanding everything down, refinishing the cement, and then painting. I think I got it all in there...anyway, it's much more involved than that, but to sum things up, they're doing this throughout two whole rooms downstairs, and parts of some others, which means that the entire lower level is now covered in layers of dust and dirt. It's working it's way upstairs too, but we're trying to fight it off. I, personally, can't wait to be able to clean it's driving me crazy, as it is April. She's worked as a house keeper/babysitter before, and since that's what I do currently (minus the babysitting) we have an understanding about the clean up thing. In fact, we're hoping we can get started on it tomorrow.

Anyway, at this point in my stay I am offically the only house guest. The TLC team left Tues. I cried, but I'm doing alright now. And yes...that's kind of how I handle change...I'm just so great with it.

Today was fairly relaxed, but April and I did get to go out and visit a few families. She was excited about seeing one family in particular because she had great news for them. In a few weeks there's a family coming, from Cincy actually, that will be building this Haitian family a new home. This family is very poor, and when we went to see them today I realized how badly they need this blessing. They are currently living in a small, one room building that is made from stick and mud mostly. It has a patched together metal roof, but as far as the walls go, I could see through large holes in various places on them. They are in need, and were so excited to hear this good news.

Another thing that I was able to do today was to help take care of a malnurished infant. April's been trying to do all she can to see that this little boy lives, and he's still not in the clear. He's a twin, but his brother died due to birthing complications. His mother doesn't seem to be completely stable and April's worried about how she's caring for him, so she's requiring her to bring him to the clinic every day so they can help feed him and check up on him. He's only 3 pds, and they've had no luck getting him over that weight. I believe April told me he's about two months old, but I could be wrong on that. I'll try to double check. Anyway, the clinic isn't open on Fridays so April had the mother come to the compound today and I was in charge of feeding him. He was a hungry little bugger, so it didn't take me long to get him to eat the alotted amount. After I fed him, he was fast asleep and there was no waking him back up. If you think about it, remember to pray for this little guy, he's going to need all the help he can get.

Well, I'm going to call it a night. Take care, and leave me comments!


Jessica said...

I'm LOVING reading your blog & looking at your pics!! Hope you have a WONDERFUL trip! Wish I was there too. :) By the way, just thought you might like to know that a trantula won't hurt you unless he feels like he is harmed or cornered. LOL, I know not that comforting...sorry, best that I could think of to maybe help ya. ;) Anyways, Have fun girl! You'll have a blast there with them! :)

Charity said...

Hey girl! You're having quite the experience! I've been praying for ya:) I'll talk to you sometime when you get back.

Issa said...

glad to see some pics of you, looks like your staying busy.

kayla said...

So glad to know that the baby is still alive. Take good care of him! Tell April I'm still waiting to hear what she names the other baby. LOL
Take care of yourself and don't sweat too much.

Alanna said...

Hi Tiff! I enjoyed the update and the pictures. I know you are being such a blessing. Love you hon!

TKB said...

Jessica, thanks for the info, but it's really not that reassuring to me. ;-D

TKB said...
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Jessica said...

LOL! Sorry...I tried...couldn't think of anything else. ;P Hope you have an awesome week! Please tell everyone "hi". Thanks! Praying for ya!